Wine registrations are now closed
Chenin producers from all parts of the world are invited to submit their wines for tasting during the congress. Wines will be presented and tasted at various opportunities during the course of the event on 1, 2, 3 November 2022.
Please note the following requirements:
Still wines : 100 % Chenin or as per country regulation, i.e. South Africa
Sparkling wines : 75 % chenin minimum
Type of wine: all wines made from the Chenin grape variety
Vintage: free
For the various tastings during the congress, we need 6 bottles of each wine.
Each producer can send up to 3 different wines to the congress.
Cost: Registration of wines is free. Cost of shipping to Stellenbosch, South Africa to be covered by the producer.
For Loire valley producers, you can register your wines and we will be in contact to organise the logistical arrangements. For more information please contact Sophie Beauclair.
South African producers: Wines to be delivered to Vineyard Connection at Delvera, marked clearly CBIC2022 by 7 October 2022.
The delivery address is:
Attention Amanda Ferreira
Vineyard Connection
Cnr R44 & Muldersvlei Rd,
Stellenbosch, 7599
South Africa
Please contact Amanda Ferreira if you have any questions.