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  • Papers should be submitted via the ROSA platform - Responsive Online System for Acta Horticulturae submission and review by clicking on the "Submit" button on the "Call for Papers" page.

  • For more information on the submission procedure, please visit

  • As the official language is English, only papers in English will be accepted and reviewed.

  • Papers should not exceed 300 words and must be based on original work. They should present all the objectives, materials and methods as well as the main results obtained.

  • Papers should not contain tables, visuals or diagrams.

  • Any abbreviations must be spelled out the first time they are used.

  • Papers should be carefully checked for English spelling and grammar.

  • The submission of papers is limited to one oral and one poster presentation per person.

  • The deadline for submission of papers is April 30, 2019. All papers submitted before this date will be considered during the evaluation. Authors will be notified of provisional acceptance of their paper and the form of presentation (oral or poster) in April 2019.

  • In order for a paper to be accepted for presentation, the author must be registered for the CBIC2019 congress before April 30, 2019.


  • General Information

  • A valid ISHS user account is required in order to submit the communication. If you do not yet have an ISHS user account, please create your user account at before submitting your paper.

  • At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered for CBIC2019.

  • Your paper will be published as is in the abstract book. Please check your data carefully before submitting, as it will not be possible to make any changes or additions after submission.

  • Papers are limited to 300 words in a single paragraph. They should contain a clear and concise presentation of the problem and the results. The scientific committee will pay particular attention to the scientific quality of the research and the presentation of the original data.

  • Papers should be written in English and should specify the theme to which they respond as well as the author's choice of presentation format (oral or poster).

  • A paper submitted that does not comply with ISHS guidelines or is not written in impeccable English will be returned to the author for correction. If the corrected paper is not resubmitted by the deadline, it may be rejected. Please refer to the ISHS Authors' Guide online:

  • For accepted papers, authors should submit their complete work by clicking here. Instructions for the submission of your papers are available at

  • After a review by the scientific committee, the selected papers will be published in a special edition of the Acta Horticulturae.

  • Submitted papers may be presented orally and in poster form. Please note that the review committee reserves the right to present papers in poster format if the number of oral presentations received is too large or if the content of the research work is in preparation.

  • ISHS Young Minds Award: At each ISHS symposium, two young scientists receive the Young Mind Awards trophy: for the best oral presentation and for the best poster presentation. For more information, please visit the ISHS website.



  • For any questions regarding the submission of papers, please contact the scientific committee by email:

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